Robert Countess

20 Dic

Robert Countess

For years Robert Countess was a prominent revisionist figure. He addressed several Conferences of the Institute for Historical Review, and reviews and essays by him appeared in the IHR’s Journal of Historical Review, and in The Revisionist. Widely traveled, he was known as an “ambassador of revisionism.”

Countess was born in August 1937 in Memphis, Tennessee. He held master’s and doctoral degrees from Bob Jones University, as well as a Master of Liberal Studies degree from Georgetown University (1978) for study in the Philosophy of History. His post-doctoral work included study at the University of Georgia, Vanderbilt-Peabody University, and the University of Alabama in Huntsville. Among his numerous academic posts, he served as chairman of the foreign languages department of Covenant College, and as Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Tennessee State University. He taught history at the University of Alabama at Huntsville.

He was author of a book, The Jehovah’s Witness’s New Testament, and dozens of published articles and book reviews.

Countess was an ordained minister, and served as a US Army chaplain from 1976 through 1984.

Until his death on March 18, 2005, succumbing to a brain tumor, he and his wife, Elda, made their home in northern Alabama .

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